Our shared Vision
We want St Matthews in Leicester to be a place -

Which is cleaner and greener
St Matthews Big Local helped with funding for the community allotment on Manitoba Road.
Developed the area on McKenzie Way and installed raised flower beds.
Planted 10,000 bulbs at the Austin Jackson memorial garden site.
Organised annual litter pick and clean up days across the area.
Organised a Litter poster competition with Taylor Road School.
Funded 13 new litter bins at various location across the area.

Which is safe and secure.
Installed 3 new high-quality CCTV cameras across the estate. Including a portable lampost mounted camera which can be moved to any hotspots.
Supported the introduction of Neighbourhood Watch
Funded more Police community meeting.
Improved environmental features to enhance the area such as the new Cruyff Court- St Matthews.
Funded 1000's of places at positive activity events to engage our community in positive activities to help to prevent boredom and ASB.

Where everyone is appreciated, valued and respected.
In 2018 we brought the community together when negative articles appeared in the press for Punish a Muslim day. We celebrated our diversity and strength as a community.
In 2019 we started a youth panel and they decided to launch a talent competition called St Matthews got talent.
Click here to read more.....

Where everyone can reach their full potential and local business flourish.
Funded a business liaison and advice consultant
Arrange and facilitates a business conference with guest speakers.
Raising the profile of St Matthews to encourage more visits to the area.
March 2019. Launch award winning LoyalFree App for free to local business for 12 months.

Where we can celebrate diversity, talent and creativity.
Funded various art lead projects with Phoenix Arts and StudionAme.
Grant funded local resident artist lead workshop.
Facilitate a yearly community parks days event with regular talent and cultural shows
Supported various cultural groups based in the local area.